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What types of resources are available?

The Court makes the following types of resources available:

Access and Inclusion: Details of Court accessibility options and facilities.

Decisions: Decisions of the Court available to browse online and download.

Fact Sheets and Videos: Fact sheets and videos that provide procedural information and guidance relating to the Court.

Forms: All the forms that you can lodge with the Court are available to download.

Frequently Asked Questions: Answers to a range of questions frequently asked to the Court.

Helpful External Links: Links to organisations external to the Court that may be of assistance.

Language Translation: The Court's website hosts the Google Translation service for those of non-English speaking backgrounds. Please note the Court is not responsible for the effectiveness of this service.

Latest News: News articles relevant to the Court. 

Practice Directions: Practice directions providing information to parties on the Court's procedures and legislative provisions.

Western Australian Industrial Gazette: Gazettes published from 1960 to today available to browse online and download. Gazettes published prior to 1960 available to browse online.